Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Show google adsense on the blog Indonesian

Before, I hope you read this before you read this tutor. Ok I`ve you after read those article, we just go to point ....!!!!
1. Open the Web first this
2. After that click Start
3. Well, after that login to the account associated with Google Adsense  
4. On the field website Tell You enter the website / blog you have.

5. After the blog added the following page will appear

Well here, you click the menu that AdSense
6. If you have, the following display will appear

Here are 3 sub
1. Adsense Account Associate: You received an order from superiors to relate it to your adsense account
2. Configure your Adsense units: you get the command again to select how you want to display ads on your blog or choose from the list of units that have been available
3. Get Code: Here you get a bonus in the form of Google Adsense ad code that is ready to be installed on the blog

7. After all is done will appear like the following code:
Now the task is next is copas the code into your blog (may create new or replace an existing one, it's up to you). If you already .....!!! GA ad will appear on your blog and your chance to achieve the abundant dollar ......!!!

Thank `s For Your Attention .....!!!!

Special Thank `s For Hilmifirdaus ........!!

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